MD Veselinka Lola Djurisic

Specialization: Gastroenterologist


She completed university education, sub-specialization in the field of gastroenterology and master's studies in the digestive system, at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade, with high average grades.

Professional development

She has continued her professional development in many European countries, during targeted stays, workshops and by participating in work groups of professional associations and research projects.

Work experience

She is employed at the Institute for Children's Diseases of the Clinical Center of Montenegro in Podgorica, where she is the head of the department of gastroenterohepatology with endoscopy.

Additional info

  • Founder and coordinator of the "Kolasin Pediatric School" - the largest professional educational seminar for pediatricians
  • Founder and volunteer activist of the NGO Celijaklija CG
  • Born and raised in Niksic, she now lives and works in Podgorica