MD Milena Adzic

Specialization: Physical medicine and rehabilitation

Subspecialization: Pediatric physiatry


  • Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Novi Sad
  • Completed specialization in physical medicine and rehabilitation at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade
  • Completed subspecialization in pediatric physiatry at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade

  • Professional development

  • Completed Kinesiological Diagnosis of Infants according to Vojta at the Academy for Developmental Rehabilitation in Zagreb
  • Completed the course Assessment of quality of spontaneous movements - General movements (GM) at the Academy for Developmental Rehabilitation in Zagreb
  • Completed the Basic Bobath NRT course in Slovenia for working with children and adults in accordance with the EBTA principles
  • Completed the course Three-dimensional treatment of scoliosis according to the principles of the Schroth method in Split

  • Work experience

  • Primary Health Care Center Cetinje
  • Institute "MD Simo Milosevic" in Igalo
  • Center for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Clinical Center of Montenegro
  • Institute for Children's Diseases of the Clinical Center of Montenegro

  • Additional info

  • Author and co-author of studies in the field of physical medicine and pediatric physiatry