MD Drasko Nikcevic

Specialization: Pediatrician

Subspecialization: Cardiologist


  • 1998 – completed undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade
  • 2005 – acquired the title of Pediatric Specialist at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade
  • 2009 – acquired the title of Cardiology Subspecialist at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade

  • Professional development

  • Participates in numerous symposiums and conferences in the country and abroad

  • Work experience

  • 2000 – 2005 Medical doctor, Institute for Children’s Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro
  • 2005 – 2009 Pediatrician, Institute for Children’s Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro
  • 2009 – Head of Cardiology, Institute for Children’s Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro
  • 2019 – Pediatrician / Cardiologist, Medikid

  • Additional info

  • Author / co-author of numerous publications in the fields of pediatrics and cardiology
  • Father of two children